NEAT doesnot only plan trekking in Nepal but aslo beliefs that growing oneself is not ethical and sufficient, we should also support others to grow.

We are associated with Nepal Australian friendship Association (NAFA) and conducting various social works in rural parts of Nepal and supporting the life out there. You are always welcome to support for good cause with NEAT and carryout social work in rural areas of Nepal.

The Hilly Region Development Club (HRDC)is a non government organization, (NGO) reg. no 371, set up to help develop the village of Tawal (Chandra’s village)
Funds are required to maintain current developed projects and for future projects. “NEAT donates US$ 2 per group to the project“If you wish, Chandra will gladly provide information and gladly accept your kind donation.
We hope that your appetite to explore Nepal has been whetted. If so, please contact your consultant for more detailed information 
We look forward to you joining our large family.

Projects Completed/ongoing:

  • Piped water from spring 2 km. away.
  • Construction of 2 classrooms.
  • Construction of health clinic
  • Training of health carers.
  • Construction of toilet/washroom at clinic and school.
  • Installation of solar light at clinic.
  • Repair of suspension bridges by British Gurkhas.
  • Free writing books and pens to all children.
  • Adult literacy classes.
  • Establishment of lower secondary school.
  • Funding of salaries of teachers.
  • Sponsored training in English of teachers.

Project needing assistance

  • Construction of three new class rooms.
  • Renovation of 5 old class rooms.
  • Development of silk industry.
  • Plantation of trees on landslides.
  • Sport materials for school children. 


  • Part of profits from NEAT
  • AUS.AID Australian Embassy KTM.
  • (NAFA) Nepal Australian Friendship Association, Brisbane, Australia.
  • Donations from trekkers through NEAT
  • Sponsors from Namaste Carpets/Crafts , Brisbane, Australia.(Lloyd)
  • NepsleduSid Austria, (Gunder and Christa)